"Swimming sa Eskinita"
I bought their first inflatable toys that can be filled not with water but balls when they are six months... afraid to be drowning in water, I let them enjoy first in a pool with different colored balls.
Now, they turned three last Feb. 8, I think its about time to introduced them the new kind of play...playing with waters!
Its summer time so staying in water is a wonderful thing to be play- off this summer...
Hope we can buy bigger than this next time... but for the mean time have fun my little darlings!
For mommy's out here, Inflatable pool are becoming more common every day. They provide an excellent means of recreation for your entire family and friends a large part of the year.
The results might help you to better understand why drowning is still the number one killer for three states and stands at number two for the nation:
Who was in charge of supervision at the time of drowning?
- 69 percent of the accidents occurred while one or both parents were responsible for supervision.
- 10 percent were adults other than the parents.
- 14 percent were sitters.
- 7 percent siblings
What was the location of the pool drowning?
- 65 percent were in a pool owned by the child's family.
- 22 percent at a relatives
- 11 percent happened at a neighbor's.
Drowning happens quickly and without warning. There is no cry for help.
77 percent of the children had been seen 5 minutes or less before being missed and subsequently discovered in the pool.
Where were they last seen?
- 46 percent WERE LAST SEEN IN THE HOUSE prior to being found in the pool. Of these, 15 percent were thought to be sleeping.
- 23 percent were last seen in the yard, porch or patio, not in the pool area. That's a total of 69 percent that were thought not to be in the pool area.
- 31 percent were last seen in the pool or pool area.
What activity was the person responsible for supervision involved in at the time of drowning?
- 39 percent were doing chores.
- 18 percent socializing.
- 9 percent were busy on the telephone.
The suddenness of this type of accident and the results it yields is devastating to anyone it touches. When you think pool, think hard core. Even if this is not your personality, you must be an absolute dictator. Let your children know without any doubts, that is your way or none at all. Maybe its the reason why we started using small pool...LOL!
info: http://www.poolfence.com/safepool.htm
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