a snapshot with the Lion’s Head in Kennon Road.
No Baguio City trip would ever be complete without a glimpse,
it just so unfortunate that it was repainted by the time we pass by.

The Lion’s Head is located at Camp 6 on Kennon Road. Unlike before, only light vehicles are allowed to pass here to get Baguio. A very minimal toll gate fee compared to other side for each car has to be paid.
Kennon Road was built to connect Baguio (formerly Kafagway) to the lowlands. The thought that the cool weather of Baguio City could be reached in 45 minutes made the locals from La Union very happy back then.
The Lions Club, a civic organization that has always been active in Baguio, wanted to make their presence felt and established in the city. But this is not how the idea of a Lion’s Head on Kennon Road was conceived. Man, represented by the members of the Lions Club only went on to perfect something that nature was already making. It actually started with a weirdly shaped boulder that eventually, took the form of a male lion with a mane. Naturally, the members of the club grabbed the opportunity to leave an imprint made of limestone on the face of Kennon Road, Baguio City.
So, you see? There is not just one Lion’s Head, but two. One that was shaped naturally and the other made by man. Today, the Club continues to look after the larger lion, working on it over and over. Repainting and rehabilitating it to maintain its magnificence as visitors make their way to Baguio City through Kennon Road.